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The Homeless and Health Inclusion Team in Leeds delivers a hospital in-reach service to visit those that are homeless or vulnerably housed, and an outreach service into the community to visit Gypsy and Traveller communities.  

The Leeds team was launched in September 2013 and includes a clinical lead, a lead nurse and care navigators as well as GPs from Bevan healthcare who contribute to the multidisciplinary team and provide medical assessments and expertise. The team provides individual support to vulnerable homeless adults, offering medical and psychosocial support and timely, open discussions to help patients make their own decisions. 

Delivering a citywide service, the team also visits patients in Leeds’ hospitals and at St George’s Crypt, a homeless charity supporting people living on the streets into accommodation. They support and help facilitate good discharge planning and ongoing care. 

As part of its work, the Team also provides a Gypsy and Traveller outreach nursing service and visit Gypsy and Traveller sites and roadside encampments. With this, they provide support and facilitation to services that often struggle to engage with people who may not have a permanent address, and help those who may be transient to engage with health services. 

With support from the team, his relationship with his mum has improved and he now spends time at the weekend with his family. His mental wellbeing has dramatically improved and he is now helping other people experiencing homelessness to consider their options. 

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Read Darren’s story