Adult Safeguarding – a game changer for people on the margins?  

Austerity has meant that the potential benefits of the Care Act 2014 have been slow to manifest. But the tectonic plates are shifting, and safeguarding concerns feel like common ground on which health, housing, social care and the voluntary sector can find a shared understanding of the opportunities to help people on the margins. 

Hear from: 

Fiona Bateman – expert solicitor and independent chair to adult safeguarding boards 

Kendal Beasley – Homelessness Adult Safeguarding Practitioner, East Kent Hospitals University Foundation Trust 

Shona Duffy – Homeless Specialist Nurse, Safeguarding Team, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 

Chair: Dr Nigel Hewett, Medical Director, Pathway. 

There will also be an update from Alex Bax, Pathway CEO, on the latest Faculty developments.

Event Recording