We are pleased to announce that a meeting of the Faculty for Homeless and Inclusion Health will take place online from 4 – 5.30pm on Thursday 4 July via Microsoft Teams. What is more, the meeting will mark the launch of our new Faculty sub-network dedicated to Nutrition in Inclusion Health!  

Topics on the agenda include a review of the evidence on the nutrition issues, Occupational Therapy and nutrition, lived experience perspectives, current work, and plans for the futuew  from network leads Hannah Style, of food poverty charity Feast With Us, and dietician Ghislaine Swinburn

If you are a member of the Faculty you should already have received an email with the meeting login details, but if you can’t see it please email us at faculty@pathway.org.uk.

If you are not already a member of the Faculty, you can sign up here. Once signed up, then please email us at faculty@pathway.org.uk to receive the meeting link.